Monday 4 October 2010

Genre Theory: Genre and Institution

The UK Film Council collects data about all films exhibited in the UK and published them online in its Statistical Yearbook. You can find it at

Go there now, locate Section 4: Genre and Classification, and answer the following questions:
  1. What genres does the UKFC classify films into? Do you think there are any missing or any which you think are sub-genres?
  2. What genre grossed the highest box-office in 2009?
  3. What genre of UK-made films grossed the highest?
  4. What does this tell you about the sorts of films which the UK film industry makes successfully?
  5. How does the BBFC classify films? Why do they do it this way (hint: what is the BBFC's purpose)?
  6. Do you think the BBFC or UKFC way of classifying films is most helpful?
  7. Which BBFC-classification performed best at the box-office in 2009?
  8. Is 'animation' a genre? 

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